Penny Invests

Penny Invests

I wrote a book!

Okay, so it’s a children’s book, but still… I wrote a book!

It’s called Penny Invests, and it’s a picture book aimed at children to try to teach a little bit about the basics of investing in a humorous and lighthearted way. Anybody who knows me knows that I have long been concerned about the low levels of financial education in America. It’s something that everybody needs to know, yet it so rarely is taught in schools. Bad money habits can be passed down from generation to generation.

I’ve been using my own kids as guinea pigs to try to drop little nuggets of financial education into the bedtime stories that I’ve been telling them, so you can rest assured that this has been focus grouped extensively.

My hope is that this book can spark an interest in kids to save and invest and to delay gratification for the greater long term gain. And maybe some adults can learn a thing or two as well. I know it’s cliche, but if my book can convince just one child to start saving and investing at an early age, then it will have all been worth it thanks to the wonders of compound interest.

Below are links to Amazon, where digital and physical copies of the book are available to purchase. Note, that all of the links in this post, including the links below, are affiliate links. If you purchase anything through the links then I will get a modest fee in return. Considering I get paid a royalty for each copy of the book sold, though, I’m not sure how much of a concern that would be for anybody.

I hope you’ll give the book a try, especially if you have young kids (and if you don’t, I assume it would make a great gift!). I would also love to hear any and all feedback and would greatly appreciate if you could leave a review on Amazon or here on this site (or both!).


Paperback version.

eBook version.

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