Recklessly Bold Predictions for 2020

Recklessly Bold Predictions for 2020

One year ago, I made a set of bold predictions for what 2019 would bring. With the year winding down, I thought it would be fun to check in to see how I did and maybe make a few predictions for 2020 as well. First up, how did my 2019 predictions go?

Note: Some of these numbers were pulled a few days ago and thus might be slightly out of date by the time this post is published.

2019 Predictions

The race to $1 trillion – again

The Prediction: That Amazon (AMZN), Apple (AAPL), and Microsoft (MSFT) would all return to a $1 trillion market cap, and in that order.


  • Microsoft returned to the club in April and currently sits around a market cap of $1.2 trillion
  • Apple returned in September and currently sits around a market cap of $1.3 trillion
  • Amazon hasn’t yet returned to the club and currently sits at a market cap of slightly under $900 billion

Have to take a loss here, although I do think I was impressively close. I ended up being very wrong about Amazon (not only were they not the first to return to an over $1 trillion market cap, they were the only one not to return at all), but at least Microsoft and Apple came roaring back to smash the $1 trillion barrier. I’m still (obviously) a big believer in Amazon, though, and am looking forward to them not only crossing $1 trillion next year, but also passing up Microsoft and Apple in the process.

Tesla doubles

The Prediction: Tesla (TSLA) will hit a market cap of $100 billion in 2019.

Reality: Another swing and a miss. The profits that were promised didn’t show up and Tesla was actually down big for most of 2019 (sitting closer to a $30 billion market cap) before a recent recovery which has put it up slightly for the year and at a market cap of $76 billion. Tesla is currently sitting at an all-time high, though (and hit the $420 “funding secured” level), so maybe I can get a tiny bit of partial credit? There’s still a few days left in the year for them to surge another 31% or so, right? Regardless of if they hit the $100 billion market cap, I’m still optimistic regarding Tesla’s outlook going forward. Hopefully increased international sales will help to boost their profitability in 2020 and finally push that market cap north of $100 billion.

Twitter gains on Facebook

The Prediction: Twitter (TWTR) gets to half of Facebook’s (FB) market cap.

Reality: My boldest prediction gets the biggest miss. Twitter has had a pretty up-and-down year while Facebook has had a pretty strong one. The end result is that Twitter is sitting at a market cap of $25 billion while Facebook is at a market cap of around $590 billion. That puts Twitter at around 4% of Facebook’s market cap, which is… uh… slightly short of the 50% I predicted.

Loyal readers will know that I ended up selling my Twitter position around the middle of 2019 because I had lost faith in the company for a few reasons. I still am amazed at the discrepancy in market caps between Twitter and Facebook considering the level of impact that each seems to have in our society, but maybe that’s just the way that things are going to be between those two businesses for the foreseeable future.

2020 Predictions

So not a great record in 2019, even accounting for the fact that they were “bold” predictions. Let’s see if I can do better in the coming year. Since next year is 2020 and my bold predictions are supposed to be at least a little fun and silly, I thought it could be interesting to have my picks for next year be based around the number “20”. As usual, I think the odds are against most of these predictions because they’re supposed to be things that are unlikely to happen, but also maybe are things I think are more likely than others might expect. Like with last year, I will be ordering them in what I consider to be decreasing order of likeliness.

Disney and Netflix both gain 20%+

A 20% gain might not seem like a super bold prediction, but I’m making it a parlay and predicting that both Netflix (NFLX) and Disney (DIS) reach that mark in 2020. Many people see streaming as a zero sum game where the success of something like Disney+ means that it has to come at the expense of Netflix. I’m not so sure that’s the case, and think that a rising tide can lift multiple streaming service boats. Disney+ and Netflix serve different demographics and being signed up for both is still cheaper than an old traditional cable package.

Netflix and Disney have had a pretty different 2019 in terms of performance. Disney is up over 30% for the year after a record smashing box office and the incredibly well-received launch of Disney+. Can they keep the momentum going into 2020? I believe they can and that Disney+ will continue to outperform expectations (which is why I predict a 20%+ gain), but there certainly are some dark clouds as well. The biggest is that there is practically no way Disney’s 2020 box office can come close to matching 2019’s. Consider that in 2020 Disney will have:

  • No Avengers movie
  • No Star Wars movie
  • New IP like Onward and Soul versus sequels to popular films like Frozen 2 and Toy Story 4
  • Live action Mulan versus remakes of Lion King and Aladdin
  • A potential let down for Marvel movies after the big conclusion in Endgame and with unproven IP like The Eternals

I think the market will be willing to overlook an understandable step back in 2020’s box office and will instead focus on the growth that Disney is seeing in their streaming services, but I wouldn’t at all be surprised to see at least one article written in 2020 wondering aloud if Disney has lost its magic after a drop in their box office receipts.

Meanwhile, Netflix has had a much rockier 2019 which has seen it basically flat for the year, although it is sneakily up around 30% over the past 3 months. A combination of some big subscriber target misses, slowing growth domestically, and deep-pocketed competitors (Disney+, Apple TV Plus, etc) entering the market all weighed heavily on Netflix’s stock price. I believe stories of their demise have been greatly exaggerated. International growth remains strong, and Netflix still has a clear lead in almost every market they are in. And while I have little doubt Netflix has come close to a saturation point in the US, I believe they remain in a strong position which will allow them to keep customer defections to a minimum. Netflix has managed to remain must see TV with a series of much talked about and/or well regarded recent releases, such as:

  • Marriage Story
  • The Irishman
  • 6 Underground
  • Always be my Maybe

Yes, they will no longer be the only (significant) game in town, but they’re still very much a leader in an industry which I think will continue to grow.

Square will add $20 to its share price

Square (SQ) has had a rough go of it lately. Since September of last year, Square has lost about a third of its value and sits at around $65 a share as of this writing. I’m a bit flummoxed as to why Square has continued to flounder despite putting up some great growth rates (and while seeing Shopify soar in 2019). So my second bold prediction is that in 2020 Square will add $20 to its share price (a roughly 30% gain) and will get close to returning to its all time highs.

Redfin will add $20 to its share price

Now we’re talking. Redfin (RDFN) is currently sitting at around $21 a share, so a $20 increase would effectively mean the stock doubles in 2020. Redfin the stock has been treading water for years despite putting up some pretty impressive growth and taking market share in a market where things move pretty slowly. I’m going to boldly predict that 2020 is the year that investors finally realize the gains that Redfin has made and the stock responds accordingly.

Bonus Prediction #1: Bitcoin to $20k

My predictions this year felt a little tamer than last year’s, so I wanted to throw out a few more bonus ones just for run. This one is not necessarily investing related, since I personally view cryptocurrencies as pure speculation, but I admit to being intrigued by bitcoin (full disclosure: I do own a tiny amount).

In 2017, bitcoin neared an exchange rate of $20k per bitcoin before collapsing. After a bit of a rebound, bitcoin is now worth around $7k. I boldly predict that bitcoin stages a bit of a comeback in 2020 and returns to the $20k level from a few years ago.

Bonus Prediction #2: Somebody will buy Nintendo

Gaming has been a pretty hot sector for awhile now, and some deep pocketed tech giants (Apple, Alphabet, Amazon, etc) are starting to show an interest in getting involved. My second (and last) bold call is that some company acquires Nintendo (NTDOY). It would be a pricey acquisition, but it would also instantly give the acquirer a ton of invaluable intellectual property that is globally recognized. Expanding that IP into mobile games and other platforms like Xbox or Steam could be incredibly valuable.

Your Bold Predictions

So those are my bold predictions for 2020. What are yours? Let me know in the comments and we can track them together! Regardless of what happens in 2020, I want to wish you a very prosperous and happy new year. Thanks for reading!

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